The Maraetai Yoga Studio
Maraetai Yoga Studio is located at 51 Rewa Road in Maraetai. The custom built studio was constructed in 2022 and is nestled right next to the Adah Platts-Mills reserve.
Up until the late 1990’s, Dr Adah Platts-Mills operated her doctors surgery at 51 Rewa Road and many long-time locals recall their visits to her surgery or being visited by the doctor, often on horse back! The Maraetai Yoga Studio was originally going to make use of the original doctors surgery, however this later turned out to be unfeasible. Instead, the yoga studio has been designed to replicate the surgery which once stood 20 meters away.
51 Rewa Road carries a lot of important local history, in-particular around the healing and betterment of the local people. The Maraetai Yoga Studio endeavours to carry on that history, through the practice and teaching of Iyengar Yoga.

Certified iyengar yoga instructor
Your Teacher
Inger-Lisa, Level 2 Certified iyengar yoga instructor
I first started attending Iyengar yoga classes in 2008, on the suggestion of my father who had been a childhood friend of our local Iyengar yoga teacher. Straight away I fell in love with the practice, for its ability to not only make my body feel fantastic, but it also calmed my mind and balanced my emotions. In 2010, I decided I would like to deepen my knowledge and practice of Iyengar yoga, so I signed up to do the teacher development course with my teacher, Melodie Batchelor. However, relatively soon after starting the teacher training my father passed away and it was a number of years before I came back to the mat.
Finally, in 2017 after my daughter’s second birthday I felt ready and excited to get back to a more regular yoga practice and back to my teacher development. In 2020 I achieved my Level 1 Iyengar Yoga certification. I spent five years teaching in a number of locations around Maraetai and Beachlands including at AllFit Gym, Te Puru Community Centre and in the Maraetai Beach Community Hall.
In 2022 we built our beautiful home studio, where I can now offer classes, workshops and retreats.
In 2023, I acheived my Level 2 Iyengar Yoga certification. I continue to study Iyengar Yoga under the guidance of Melodie Batchelor. I also regularly attend classes, workshops and teacher development sessions with Melodie, Monica Haar and Peter Scott (AUS) as well as visiting international teachers.
In November 2024 I will be travelling to Pune, India to visit the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute for the first time.
I have come to know a lot of lovely locals through teaching yoga and I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and journey with many more people in my home studio.

What is Iyengar Yoga?
Iyengar yoga is named after B.K.S Iyengar who is recognised as partly responsible for bringing modern yoga out of India and to the rest of the developed world. B.K.S. Iyengar said “the yoga I teach is purely Ashtanga yoga, known as the eight limbs of yoga. My pupils who follow me call it ‘Iyengar Yoga’ to distinguish it from the teachings of others”.
Iyengar Yoga focuses on three aspects: alignment, sequencing and timing.
- Alignment – by establishing correct body alignment in yoga, we are able to maintain the asana (pose) and reap the benefits of the pose. To achieve this within the bodies limits, Iyengar yoga encourages the use of props to assist students within an asana without putting them at risk of injury. Long-term, alignment becomes a balance between body, mind and breath.
- Sequencing refers to the order that the postures are practiced and taught. An educated sequence offers a safe and strategic progression of poses enabling the body to safely progress through the practice.
- Timing: Iyengar yoga poses are held for longer periods of time than some other ‘flow’ style classes. We work towards stability, strength and flexibility in a pose while at the same time generating an increased awareness between the body and the mind.
what is iyengar yoga?
The Iyengar yoga system of teaching is methodical and progressive, focussing on alignment and body awareness. When necessary, props such as blocks, blankets, belts, chairs and bolsters are used. These allow students to progress in their practice of postures safely at their own pace, to suit their body. Beginners work in a basic way on simple postures according to their capabilities. As they develop they then move on to more refined ways of working as well as to more complex postures.
- Iyengar yoga is suitable for all types of people, abilities and levels of fitness
- You’ll learn through a carefully graded and systematic programme of Asana (posture), suited to your ability
- Teachers gradually introduce Pranayama (breath control) once students have a firm foundation of Asana practice
- Practice helps you to relax and energises the body and mind, bringing vitality, flexibility, strength, concentration, self-confidence and mental calm
- Iyengar yoga can help you overcome and prevent many stresses, strains, aches and pains. It promotes a firm foundation for health and well-being
Can I eat before class?
It is recommended that you do not eat for two hours before your yoga practice.
I'm not flexible, can I still do yoga?
Yes! In fact being a bit stiff can be an advantage in your yoga practice as you really have to listen to your body and take things at your own pace. Props are used in Iyengar yoga to enable everyone to get the benefits of the asana while accomodating for their bodies needs.
what should i wear to my class?
Any loose fitting clothing or stretchy leggings and comfortable tops are suitable for class. You need to be able to move freely and comfortably. We practice in bare feet. No socks please as these can be slippery.
Is Maraetai Yoga Studio open in the school holidays?
No. The studio is closed during the school holidays.
Should I bring my own mat?
You are welcome to bring your own mat to class if you prefer, but we do have mats and all of the props available in the studio for you to use as well.
I have an injury, can I still come to yoga?
Injuries are often a part of an active life. Once you are ready. to get back into some physical movement again, you can come back to class. Please inform your teacher so that variations can be offered to be accomodate they injury.
Is yoga suitable if I have some health concerns?
You should tell the teacher if you have medical conditions, such as post-operative conditions, hypertension, heart problems, high or low blood pressure, back, neck or knee problems, menstrual disorders etc. They will then be able to offer adaptations or alternative poses for you to do.
Can I still come to class if I am pregnant?
Yes, you are more than welcome to come to class if you are pregnant. If you regularly practiced yoga before your pregnancy you are welcome to attend the General classes where adaptions to poses will be given to you. If you are pregnant and just starting yoga please sign up to the Beginners Block course after the first trimester where you will be taught the foundation asanas with appropriate variations for pregnancy.
How do I get the most benefit from my yoga practice?
Be consistent. Try to attend class 1-2 times every week so that your body gets used to the practice and it becomes your weekly reward to yourself. Be present at each class, let go of the to-do list until the class is over. Be attentive to how you feel mentally and physically and work with that on a daily basis. Turn off your cellphone, still your mind and escape the hustle.
Do I need to attend every class in the Beginners Block Course?
Regular attendance to the Beginners Block Course and the Kids Yoga classes are preferred as we build on what we learnt in the previous class. However of course life happens and it is no problem if you are not able to attend every class.